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Thieves remove copper wiring from floodlights at Shoalhaven sports fields

Thieves remove copper wiring from floodlights at Shoalhaven sports fields
September 23, 2019

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Worldwide Sports Management

Principal Consultant Simon Weatherill has spent the last 20 years developing the world renowned Melbourne Sports Hub, as former Chief Executive Officer of the State Sports Centres Trust…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Venues



Geoff Ninnes Fong & Partners (GNFP) is a structural, aquatic and civil engineering consultancy with broad experience in the design of new municipal and institutional swimming pools, hydrotherapy…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Design / Venues


Aflex Inflatables

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Aquatics / Play / Waterparks



Switch to smarter fitness management software with Clubworx based in Australia that enables fitness businesses to start or grow their business with ease. - all in one place from anywhere in the…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness



Hidroplay welcomes you to the exciting world of children's Playscapes, waterslide's and Water Attractions. Appealing to families, Hidroplay increases patronage in your facility during those…

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