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NRL season on target for 28th May restart after agreement with broadcasters

NRL season on target for 28th May restart after agreement with broadcasters
April 24, 2020
Sport /

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TicketSearch Pty Ltd

TicketSearch is focused on providing businesses, organisations, and venues with affordable, efficient, and powerful self-managed ticketing solutions. The organisation has offices in Australia, New…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Technology / Ticketing / Venues


InterQuad (International Quadratics) 

InterQuad (International Quadratics)  With a combined legacy spanning over 150 years, International Quadratics (founded in 1976) and Pierce Pool Supplies (originally established in 1898 as A H…

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Aquatics / Safety / Technology / Waterparks



Playrope Aqua-Fun, are the Australian & New Zealand exclusive distributors for Vortex Aquatic Structures International, the world leader in aquatic playgrounds and urban water landscapes.…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Parks / Play / Recreation


XBODY Australia Pty Ltd

PROVEN BUSINESS CONCEPTS WITH XBODY XBody’s goal is to see you and your EMS business succeed. That is why we don’t just sell equipment, we provide know-how, expert knowledge, business support…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness



Geoff Ninnes Fong & Partners (GNFP) is a structural, aquatic and civil engineering consultancy with broad experience in the design of new municipal and institutional swimming pools, hydrotherapy…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Design / Venues



Switch to smarter fitness management software with Clubworx based in Australia that enables fitness businesses to start or grow their business with ease. - all in one place from anywhere in the…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


APT Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

APT (Advanced Polymer Technology) is the leading global manufacturer of polyurethane-based materials, acrylic coatings and synthetic turf products for sporting and recreational applications. From…

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Environment / Sport / Surfaces / Technology


Centaman Entrance Control

Turnstile Entry Systems and Access Control Centaman Entrance Controls’ Award Winning Range of Access Control Systems includes tripod & triarm turnstiles, speedgates, full height…

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Access / Entertainment / Sport / Ticketing / Venues


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