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Queensland Government says theme parks, indoor gyms, fitness centres and sports centres ‘must close’

Queensland Government says theme parks, indoor gyms, fitness centres and sports centres ‘must close’
March 24, 2020

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Ticketworx Pty Ltd

Ticketworx (formerly House of Tickets) is Australia and New Zealand’s foremost ticket specialist servicing some 2,700 clients and producing in excess of 30 million per tickets per annum.…

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Entertainment / Events / Technology / Ticketing / Venues



revolutioniseSPORT is the emerging market leader in online club management in Australia. Whether it is memberships, registrations, events, online sales or governance tools - revolutioniseSPORT is the…

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Recreation / Sport / Technology


State Wide Pool Services

Known as Hydrilla since September 2020 - see

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Aussie Strength

We are Aussie Strength. The ultimate supplier for Commercial Gym Equipment that's built to deliver in the toughest environments. From USA-Built hardcore weight training equipment from Arsenal…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness



Email for trade enquiries:  Customer support desk - Click Myzone support or go to ‘help’ on myzone app to access live support. Myzone® is the leading…

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Fitness / Sport / Technology / Wellness


Pricemark Pty Ltd

Pricemark supplies a wide range of custom branded membership & RFID access products for the Health & Leisure Industry. 

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Perfect Gym Solutions is a software as a service (SaaS) solution purpose-built to service the fitness industry, with over 1000 clients servicing over two million gym members across 40 countries making…

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Access / Fitness / Marketing / Recreation / Technology


WATERPLAY Solutions Corp

Whether your goal is increasing your centre's revenues or creating an engaging environment, why not add play to your project? If you're looking for stylish aquatic play features, kid-tested…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Recreation / Waterparks


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