Aussie Strength

1300 838 156 | |
0422 046 895 | |
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99 Percival Road Smithfield NSW 2164 Australia |
Aussie Strength, VALKYRIE, Arsenal Strength, Prime Fitness USA, Concept2, TRX, MaxxBench, Trueform RunnerAbout

We are Aussie Strength.
The ultimate supplier for Commercial Gym Equipment that's built to deliver in the toughest environments. From USA-Built hardcore weight training equipment from Arsenal Strength to revolutionary technology from PRIME Fitness, we're the most connected Commercial Equipment company. We lead the domain of functional training with apocalypse-proof Cages, Rigs, Bumpers and Barbells from VALKYRIE and our very own superior Custom Dumbbells, Kettlebells and bleeding edge gym equipment.

AUSSIE STRENGTH deliver the most advanced commercial gyms in Australia. We've had glowing reviews of our commercial and home products, and we're set to overtake industry giants and help Australian businesses grow with our grass-roots attitude and functional, ultra-tough designs. Learn more
Brand Review
The difference is significant in our experience as far as quality is concerned. VALKYRIE Rigs have all the little things like padding throughout the metal-on-metal components - so we don’t have the grinding noise and fast wear on our Barbells or J-Hooks.
In my opinion the steel and design is of far greater quality with the Valkyrie compared to the rigs that we've been supplied by other big-name companies in the past.
With the Valkyrie there’s heaps of additional attachments that can be added - trawler arms for Boxing Bags and TRX bands, flying chin up bars, wall ball targets and more. When I asked our old supplier for the same or similar pieces I was informed that they are only available with another brand of rig which is significantly more expensive - and none in stock for months.
David Noonan, Snap Fitness

Genesis Fitness opens new clubs in Western Australia
Genesis Fitness has announced the opening of two new clubs in the metropolitan Perth suburbs of Belmont and Joondalup Gate. Genesis Joondalup Gate is a state of the art, full service 24/7…
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