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Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews says Melbourne’s Coronavirus restrictions will ease from Wednesday morning

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews says Melbourne’s Coronavirus restrictions will ease from Wednesday morning
October 27, 2020

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Digonex is a leading provider of customised dynamic pricing solutions to clients in arts and entertainment, sport, attractions, cultural institutions and retail sectors. Digonex’s technology is…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Technology / Ticketing


The Jump Pad

The Jump Pad is a safe, flat inflatable made in a variety of sizes which can be used indoor or outdoor. From 3mx3m up to a whopping 9mx21m. Markets include Indoor and outdoor playgrounds, schools,…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Play



ABOUT SPORTENG specialises in the Planning, Design and Construction inspection of Fields of Play for all sports. Blending engineering with the specialist knowledge gained from working closely with…

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Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Surfaces / Venues


XBODY Australia Pty Ltd

PROVEN BUSINESS CONCEPTS WITH XBODY XBody’s goal is to see you and your EMS business succeed. That is why we don’t just sell equipment, we provide know-how, expert knowledge, business support…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness



Developed in Europe, this innovative system offers a safety management solution for swimming pools that checks individual swimmers via their wristband - monitoring their depth and time. Sensors…

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Aquatics / Hospitality / Safety / Technology / Waterparks


Intelligenz Solutions

Intelligenz provides Leisure Management Software for managing all your Program Registrations, Facility Bookings, Membership Sales and POS Transactions; including detailed Reporting, automated…

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Access / Billing / Finance / Marketing / Technology



We are the leading providers of kids fun multi-sports programs for Sport and Recreation Centres. Programs cover twelve common sports as well as Gross Motor Skill Development and suit children from as…

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Fitness / Play / Recreation / Sport / Wellness


Felton Industries

Felton Industries is Australia’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of quality outdoor furniture and has been supplying premium seating solutions for all sporting, commercial, community…

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Parks / Play / Recreation / Sport / Venues


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