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Snow falls prompt early season opening for Perisher

Snow falls prompt early season opening for Perisher
June 1, 2017

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We are the leading providers of kids fun multi-sports programs for Sport and Recreation Centres. Programs cover twelve common sports as well as Gross Motor Skill Development and suit children from as…

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Fitness / Play / Recreation / Sport / Wellness


Advanced Aquarium Technologies

Advanced Aquarium Technologies (AAT) is a world leader in the design, construction, and operation of landmark public aquariums. Led from Queensland, AAT has delivered aquarium projects in over 25…

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Attractions / Consultants / Design / Parks / Zoos


Myrtha Pools

Founded in 1961, Myrtha Pools® quickly became Italy’s première swimming pool company, and has since grown into one of the world's leading swimming pool construction…

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Aquatics / Design / Play / Waterparks / Wellness



Email for trade enquiries:  Customer support desk - Click Myzone support or go to ‘help’ on myzone app to access live support. Myzone® is the leading…

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Fitness / Sport / Technology / Wellness


InterQuad (International Quadratics) 

InterQuad (International Quadratics)  With a combined legacy spanning over 150 years, International Quadratics (founded in 1976) and Pierce Pool Supplies (originally established in 1898 as A H…

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Aquatics / Safety / Technology / Waterparks


Worldwide Sports Management

Principal Consultant Simon Weatherill has spent the last 20 years developing the world renowned Melbourne Sports Hub, as former Chief Executive Officer of the State Sports Centres Trust…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Venues


BioLab Australia Pty Ltd

BioGuard is Australia and New Zealand’s most trusted supplier of premium, innovative and affordable commercial water treatment systems and chemicals. BioGuard offers a comprehensive range of…

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Aquatics / Technology / Waterparks


Gladstone MRM

Gladstone Health & Leisure (Gladstone MRM Pty Ltd Australia) is a leading supplier of leisure management and fitness software and is endorsed by leading health and fitness professionals and…

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Access / Billing / Fitness / Technology / Venues


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