News: Insurance
Small Business Ombudsman’s report calls for a Discretionary Mutual Fund as solution for amusement and attractions insurance challenges
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has today released the final report into the insurance crisis facing Australia’s amusement, attractions…
read moreLive music and entertainment industry urges Governments to deliver national insurance scheme as Omicron threatens recovery
A government-backed insurance scheme is being called for by the live music and entertainment industry as the emergence of the new Omicron COVID-19 variant has placed the industry on high…
read moreFederal Government rejects call for national event insurance scheme
The Federal Government has rejected recommendations from a Senate committee inquiry that called for a national insurance guarantee to protect events cancelled by COVID-19 restrictions.…
read moreRisk management the key to way out of attractions industry’s insurance crisis
The reported insurance crisis in Australia’s attractions industry and related sectors could be reduced if operators adopted higher standards of risk management according to Adrian…
read moreEVANZ announce new insurance partnership to benefit members
The Entertainment Venues Association of New Zealand (EVANZ) have partnered with insurance industry leader Apex Insurance and risk management consultancy Reliance Risk to offer a new scheme…
read moreAustralia’s first on-demand adventure and sport insurance offers $6 a day cover
A new insurtech start-up - Flip - has launched Australia’s first on-demand injury cover offering adventurous and sporting Australians the chance to stay protected for $6 a day. Flip…
read moreLive Performance Australia calls for NSW Government to replicate Victoria’s backing for live entertainment
The peak body for Australia’s live performance industry, Live Performance Australia (LPA) has called on the NSW Government to follow the Victorian Government’s move to create…
read moreVictorian Government reveals event insurance scheme in move to revive live music
The Victorian Government has today announced moves to restart the state’s live music and festival scene, with an events insurance scheme for the next 12 months along with other…
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