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NSW declares state-wide national park closures due to extreme fire conditions

NSW declares state-wide national park closures due to extreme fire conditions
November 11, 2019

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Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness Equipment is now part of NovoFit - see

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Aflex Inflatables

Aflex Inflatables are the leaders for obstacle courses, pool toys, waterparks and land-based watersides and fitness runs. They are industry leaders offering the widest range of pool, lake and beach…

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Aquatics / Play / Waterparks


Augmented Creative

Augmented Creative is an open organization of like-minded and highly dedicated, creative people who conceive, plan and execute visual solutions. We pursue new and innovative visual ideas to help…

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Arts / Attractions / Consultants / Design / Tourism



Digonex is a leading provider of customised dynamic pricing solutions to clients in arts and entertainment, sport, attractions, cultural institutions and retail sectors. Digonex’s technology is…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Technology / Ticketing


Momentus Technologies

About: Momentus Technologies is a global provider of industry-leading venue and event management solutions that empower organizations to create extraordinary moments. With over 50,000 users in more…

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Entertainment / Events / Hospitality / Technology / Venues


Worldwide Sports Management

Principal Consultant Simon Weatherill has spent the last 20 years developing the world renowned Melbourne Sports Hub, as former Chief Executive Officer of the State Sports Centres Trust…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Venues


SeatGeek Asia Pacific

SeatGeek is a search engine and mobile-focused ticket marketplace that allows fans to buy and sell tickets for live events. As of August 2018, SeatGeek has exited the Australian, New…

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Ungerboeck Software

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